Digital Performance

Porter Davis Homes Performance Marketing Case Study

Organising strategic effort to achieve a clear and monetised goal

The objective.

Porter Davis is a leading home builder in Australia who’s homes cater to a wide range of people from those starting out with their first house, to those retiring and downsizing.

The solution.

Sonar Group has been working with Porter Davis to use digital performance channels to ensure efficient brand messaging, and generating qualified leads through a comprehensive programme of SEO, Paid Search, Paid Social and Programmatic advertising. This has included focusing on different parts of the business, and also collaborating with other creative and technical partners.

The results.

Working with the Porter Davisn team, we have exceeded our KPI’s by 100% year on year, and can point to selling more than 80 homes via Performance channels in FY20 alone.

$10's-millions revenue

Over 80 confirmed homes sold via digital performance channels in FY20

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